Hari itu memang Rusy sengaja tak nak ajak Mierah ke rumah itu bersama.Biarlah dia berehat dirumah.Moga-moga fikirannya kembali tenang.
Petang itu, setibanya Rusyidah di Rumah Kasih sayang, Azierah terus menariknya ke perpustakaan.
"Eee,budak ni. Apa yang dia nak agaknya.What's got into you? We have to train our dance, remamber.Tarian sufi tu mesti selesai hari inilah...."leter Rusyidah.
"Okay, give me 5 mins. Where's my kakak? How come she's not here today?"
"She's not feeling well, Azierah. Lagipun she has nothing to do kat sini.I was the one who dragged her here.So give her a break, okay?"jawab Rusyidah.
"Good! just wanna tell you.Semalam I went home with Abang Luqman...."senyum Azierah.
"Alhamdulillah, mak dia dah boleh accept you ke? How was it?"tanya Rusyidah, ingin tahu.
"Well,at first, I was scared.You know, my mother kahwin dgn bekas suami dia...so, indirectly, I pun rasa macam we snatched the kebahagiaan from her."
"But Mak was a nice lady.A bit old, naggy, but she was fine. Cuma, she doesnt want me to address abang as Bro..Dia kata, macam tak hormat abang.Well, something like that lah."
"Good for you, dear.So apa pula you call her?" tanya Rusy lagi.
"I call her 'Mak"lah! Happy nya, I have a mother now.Bukan anak yatim lagi..."
"But you still have your own mother.You bukan anak yatim, sayang oi!"celah Rusy...
"Tapi..she's no longer a Muslim lah. I will pray for her, always.Mak kata, jangan putus asa."
"So you pulled me in here, just to tell me that you dah di terima oleh mak Encik Luqman lah..."usik Rusyidah.
"Well, ada lagi.This is a great happy news for me.Yesterday, during dinner, mak was telling abang to get married. Of course, abang was a bit fed up with her nags...tapi, he told mak, he was interested in a girl who volunteers di sini.That girl, as he said, ada kena mengena dgn Kak Yana.Distant cousin or something. Is it Kak Amierah, Kak Rusy?"
Rusyidah tersenyum, gembira.Dia mendakap Azierah.Terpinga-pinga juga Azierah di buatnya.
"Eh, mestilah.Orang yg dimaksudkan tu, semestinya Kak Amierah...your favourite sis. I am so happy for her. I've always wanted her to lead a happy life."
"Does kak Amirah likes my abang?"
"That...I am not sure.Cuma, never-never tell her about this, okay.She's not ready for all this.It is too sudden, dear!"
"Sure! I promise.My mouth is sealed! And promise that you wont utter a thing to my brother.Mak dah mula sayang I, and I know he's jealous...Ha! Ha ! Ha"
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